Can we just leave off selling to one another for a moment?
There are days when I grow weary of the seemingly endless mandate to sell, sell, sell. It’s not my happy place.
All I want is to connect with a few writers who care deeply about the quality of what they’re producing, and maybe they haven’t had the full-on writerly education that they’d like to have had, but they’re pushing on ahead anyway. Looking to learn as much as possible and to improve. Driven to become better and more accomplished writers. Their goals are likely modest. They’re not aiming for blockbuster hits — those are few and far between. They’re realistic in that respect, but a bit idealistic as well. Setting out on this venture with a bit of trust, a bit of hope, and a good deal of determination. They’ve a vision. And that vision is important enough to invest the time in, to see about making a go of it. At the very least, to get their thoughts down satisfyingly on paper.
Or maybe they’ve already done that foundational work, filled in what they were missing when they first began, and now they’re ready to ratchet up to the next level. To really develop their growing talents, to run with it. They’re looking for solid feedback on technique. They’re looking for the right partner, the right editor or perhaps editor-teacher, someone to pass on what they themselves have learned through hard work and study, and long experience.
These writers are out there, I know. I’ve connected with a few. How to widen the search, find more such fellow seekers?
That is ever the question, ever the journey.