How do we as editors determine quality? scope? How do we evaluate, accurately and consistently, whether we (or someone else) has hit the mark?

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Making a clear and accurate assessment sometimes
means linking qualitative factors to quantitative.
Sometimes, determining which factors to consider.
Always, careful and studied judgment.


Rubrics (with scoring)

Use for quick evaluation of where a particular piece stands within a range. Rubrics are not infallible and they cannot take the place of deeper assessment, but they can work to give an overview.

Bulleted summaries

Quick glances at the essential characteristics of some main book categories.

reviewer checklists

Checklists for book reviewers. Reviewers evaluate books for the purpose of making an assessment or applying a ranking, but they do not typcially identify problems down to their core nor develop potential solutions.

Editorial Checklists

Use for editing (here, developmentally or holistically) in specific environments.