musings on the act of writing.
On writing
Why do we write? I’d say we write out of a desire to explore and to learn. Out of a desire to explain, to clarify, to share.
You’ve got to love words. And Work. hard, hard work.
How do you set out to become a writer? Not the business of it, but the actual doing of it. The actual mastery of it.
First of all, read. Read a lot.
What sort of writing calls to you? Read widely in a range of genres, but of the writing you yourself hope one day to do, read the undisputed masters. And then compare that work with the work of lesser writers.
Some words about editing
It’s bound up with professionalism and levels of edit
Editors work with words on the page, helping to better shape their presentation and impact. They do this in various ways, depending in part upon how far along in the process the piece is, depending in part also upon what the piece needs — as long as the schedule supports it, of course.
It’s more than simply reading, more than offering opinions
Divorced from context, the term “editing” can mean almost anything related to changes in text, by anyone, for any reason.