the publishing house of you

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strategic decisions for new and emerging author-publishers

The ….

It is often said that writing is an art and publishing is a business. You’ve invested time and energy in the craft of producing a book. Now you need to focus on the business of so doing. What challenges face you? What should you be doing when?

We’ll begin by looking at the traditional model of a publishing house. While you may not want to work with one as an author, you’ll want to learn how to mimic one as a publisher. They’ve been in the business for centuries. Individual houses don’t always get it right, sure, because to err is human and all that, but the model they follow is instructive.

Add note that it’ll not be recorded. Live attendance only.

Cost: $30

Tentatively running this fall, but not yet scheduled: ping me to be put on a notification list.



Although we will touch on the academic/scholarly and educational (textbook) publishing, in order to distinguish those processes and markets from trade, the focus will be on trade publishing.

My orientation is to the US publishing environment and markets.




Writing is an art. Publishing is a business.
— A common refrain — or lament