How the traditional publishing industry works

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An overview

The . . .

The traditional publishing model is steeped in history and convention. Even if you decide not to pursue that route, there’s still value to be had from studying how traditional houses work. And if you do decide to pursue publishing in this way, you’ll be better able to set yourself up for success. Why go with a traditional house? There’s still cachet in being selected for promotion and distribution by the editorial gatekeepers: that’s a mark of distinction you can turn to your advantage. And if your in-house team flags you as an A-lister, you’d have the full marketing and publicity machinery, as well as the production and distribution chops, of these experts behind you.

Add note that it’ll not be recorded. Live attendance only.

Cost: $30

Tentatively running this fall, but not yet scheduled: ping me to be put on a notification list.



Although we will touch on the academic/scholarly and educational (textbook) publishing, in order to distinguish those processes and markets from trade, the focus will be on trade publishing.

My orientation is to the US publishing environment and markets.




Writing is an art. Publishing is a business.
— A common refrain — or lament